Friday, July 28, 2006

En route out of fragments into wholeness and reprieve!

The end of my stint with 20 teenage forces of personality is over!! An enriching and exhausting experience full of dramatic swells and depth. That said, I drove along the Gulf Coast and witnesses miles and miles of heartbreak. From casino shells to giant oaks downed in graveyard rubble to 3 streets inland now selling as "beachfront property," the effects of the power of wind and water and natural forces have spoken. I look at the decimated Outback Steakhouses and wealthy resorts and wonder about whether the weather CAN discriminate. Look at Marco, the sweetest heeler mix EVER, at the Gulfport Humane Society. I came within inches of leaving with a new buddy...Arriving safe and sound at the adorable casa of Miss Vikki Vaden in Atlanta with her beautiful paintings and more hospitality than you could shake a stick at.


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